API Document


Version information

Version 1.0.0

Contact information

Contact: EValue Support - support@ev.uk

URI scheme

Schemes: HTTP, HTTPS








The Budget Planner API helps to define expenses in retirement. This API consists of two parts (calls). The first call is optional, returning the budget items and typical high/average/low net annual spend for each one. The second call enters the value selected for each of the budget items, calculates the net annual amount needed to meet these, and from this the gross amount that would need to be withdrawn based on current income tax bands and rates. Please refer to the Pricing Plan and the Credits Plan for the number of credits required to call this API.




HTTP Code Description Schema
200 successful operation BudgetPlannerDataResponse
500 System error SystemError



The Budget Planner API helps to define expenses in retirement. This API consists of two parts (calls). The first call is optional, returning the budget items and typical high/average/low net annual spend for each one. The second call enters the value selected for each of the budget items, calculates the net annual amount needed to meet these, and from this the gross amount that would need to be withdrawn based on current income tax bands and rates. Please refer to the Pricing Plan and the Credits Plan for the number of credits required to call this API.


Type Name Description Schema Required
BodyParameter body The parameters required to calculate the gross target that will meet the budget in retirement BudgetIncomePlannerParameters true


HTTP Code Description Schema
200 successful operation BudgetPlannerTargetResponse
400 Validation errors ValidationErrors
500 System error SystemError



The Budget Planner API helps to define expenses in retirement. This API consists of two parts (calls). The first call is optional, returning the budget items and typical high/average/low net annual spend for each one. The second call enters the value selected for each of the budget items, calculates the net annual amount needed to meet these, and from this the gross amount that would need to be withdrawn based on current income tax bands and rates. Please refer to the Pricing Plan and the Credits Plan for the number of credits required to call this API.




HTTP Code Description Schema
200 successful operation BudgetPlannerPlsaDataResponse
500 System error SystemError



The Budget Planner API helps to define expenses in retirement. This API consists of two parts (calls). The first call is optional, returning the budget items and typical high/average/low net annual spend for each one. The second call enters the value selected for each of the budget items, calculates the net annual amount needed to meet these, and from this the gross amount that would need to be withdrawn based on current income tax bands and rates. Please refer to the Pricing Plan and the Credits Plan for the number of credits required to call this API.


Type Name Description Schema Required
BodyParameter body The parameters required to calculate the gross target that will meet the budget in retirement BudgetPlsaTargetParameters true


HTTP Code Description Schema
200 successful operation BudgetPlsaTargetResponse
400 Validation errors ValidationErrors
500 System error SystemError



Please note that only the following Definitions will be used when calculating the Result of this API call. Any other data submitted will not be validated or used in the calculation.


Name Description Schema Required Range
budgets List of all the expenses due in retirement List of BudgetDataItem true  


Name Description Schema Required Range
id The numerical identifier of the expense being entered Integer true 1 to 100
group The category that the expense belongs to Enum - ESSENTIALS, DESIRABLES, LUXURIES true  
selectedCost The annual net expense required Double true 0 to 10,000,000


Name Description Schema Required Range
budgets List of all the expenses due in retirement List of BudgetPlsaItem true  


Name Description Schema Required Range
id The numerical identifier of the expense being entered Integer true 1 to 100
selectedCost The annual net expense required Double true 0 to 10,000,000



Name Description Schema
budgets List of standard net expenses that could be used to set target incomes in retirement List of BudgetPlannerDataItem


Name Description Schema
id The numerical identifier of the expense being entered Integer
group The category that the expense belongs to Enum - ESSENTIALS, DESIRABLES, LUXURIES
name The name of the expense String
example A basic example of what could be included in the expense String
furtherInfo Further details of the expense String
high The annual net target that represents a high cost for this expense Double
average The annual net target that represents an average cost for this expense Double
low The annual net target that represents a low cost for this expense Double


Name Description Schema
netTarget The total, annual net expense that has been entered. Double
grossTarget The overall gross target that is required to meet the net target specified in retirement. This figure is gross of income tax. Double
netEssentials The total, annual net expense that has been entered in the 'essentials' category. Double
grossEssentials The gross expense for the 'essentials' category. This category will be assumed to be withdrawn first for income tax purposes and will therefore be taxed least. Double
netDesirables The total, annual net expense that has been entered in the 'desirables' category. Double
grossDesirables The gross expense for the 'desirables' category. This category will be assumed to be withdrawn second for income tax purposes. Double
netLuxuries The total, annual net expense that has been entered in the 'luxuries' category. Double
grossLuxuries The gross expense for the 'luxuries' category. This category will be assumed to be withdrawn third for income tax purposes and will therefore be taxed more than the other two categories. Double


Name Description Schema
budgets A list of budgets for different demographics and marriage statuses List of Budget


Name Description Schema
demographic The demographic for which these expenses apply String
marriageStatus The marital status for which these expenses apply String
budgets List of standard net expenses that could be used to set target incomes in retirement List of BudgetItem


Name Description Schema
id The numerical identifier of the expense being entered Integer
name The name of the expense String
minimum A minimum lifestyle that covers all your needs, with some left over for fun BudgetItemLifestyle
moderate A moderate lifestyle that allows more financial security and flexibility BudgetItemLifestyle
comfortable A comfortable lifestyle that allows more financial freedom and some luxuries BudgetItemLifestyle


Name Description Schema
value The value of the expense Double
summary The summary of the expense String
description A detailed description of what the expense allows String


Name Description Schema
netTarget The total, annual net expense that has been entered. Double
grossTarget The overall gross target that is required to meet the net target specified in retirement. This figure is gross of income tax. Double


Name Description Schema
errors A list of errors from validating the API input parameters List of ValidationError


Name Description Schema
field The field that is invalid String
code The type of validation error that has occurred Enum - REQUIRED, OUT_OF_RANGE, INVALID, INVALID_TOTAL
message The validation error message String
value The value that is invalid String


Name Description Schema
systemError The system error message. String